Open The <a href="https://github.com/joeyboli/html5-shoutcast-icecast-zeno-player/blob/main/js/script.js">Script.js</a> file and edit the lines Below.
// RADIO NAME const RADIO_NAME = 'Game! Radio 1'; // SELECT ARTWORK PROVIDER, ITUNES, DEEZER & SPOTIFY. eg : spotify var API_SERVICE = 'DEEZER'; // Change Stream URL Here, Supports, ICECAST, ZENO, SHOUTCAST, RADIOJAR and any other stream service. const URL_STREAMING = 'https://stream-51.zeno.fm/cfhkm5fs1uhvv?zs=HOu6hxV1SG-7iGi9WGVTqQ'; //API URL GET API On Joeycast Website const API_URL = 'https://api-v2.streamafrica.net/icyv2?url=' + URL_STREAMING;
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