PawTunes is a powerful and versatile web-based internet radio player designed for both radio stations and music enthusiasts. Built from the ground up with over 15 years of experience, PawTunes combines cutting-edge technology, elegant design, and unparalleled performance to deliver the ultimate radio player experience. It integrates templates and knowledge from all my previously created radio players: "Radio Player," "Pro Radio Player," and "AIO Radio Station Player."
This is not just a simple JavaScript library for playing music, it's a complete platform/app that fetches Track Information and Artworks for your live radio stream. Its versatility allows seamless integration with many APIs, and more can easily be added using the "TrackInfo" class. All requests are cached for the refresh time configured, minimizing unnecessary API calls. Additionally, there's a small Go app I developed that connects to the stream and provides "Live Info" from a lightweight service, including history and HTTPS proxying (if you provide a certificate). But more on that later.
The great thing is that these images are cropped, optimized, and stored on PawTunes for fast access. This feature can be disabled in the settings, using only direct API requests, which are also cached.
Installation is straightforward in most cases, simply download the shared "ZIP" file and upload its contents to your web host. Since PawTunes is a standalone PHP script/app, you only need to upload the files to a folder of your choice and then access that folder using the following URL format:
Default Login Information
Username: admin
Password: password
If you encounter any issues during installation, please refer to the Installation Guide for detailed instructions.
I also offer installation and customization services. For more details, feel free to reach out via the Prahec - Contact Me page.
PawTunes is very easy to extend, upgrade and adjust to your needs. Code is very simple, commented and in most cases easy to extend. Documentation will be provided for all classes and functions in the player part of the code soon. I haven't found the time to do that yet. However, there are code examples how to use the player on your web site using "External API (JSONP)" which you fill find at
Comprehensive documentation is available at:
PawTunes has minimal requirements to ensure smooth operation:
This project took an immense amount of effort to build. While it may not look like much, it represents over 5 months of initial (first release) full-time work and over a decade of experience developing similar apps and scripts. Initial plan was to sell this as a product on Envato Market - CodeCanyon for 35$ (about 31€) but the review team permanently declined the project, so I decided to share this awesome project for free.
As this project is close to my heart, I will continue working on it for free. However, if you find it useful and want to support its ongoing development, any financial support would be greatly appreciated. It would help cover costs (hosting) my effort and, of course, fund a coffee or two to keep me coding! ☕
I will also be extremely grateful for any help solving issues and/or improving my code for others.
PawTunes would have taken even more time to develop without the incredible open-source projects that made it possible. Here’s the list of libraries and projects used in the Control Panel:
The player itself uses only one lightweight library:
If I’ve missed crediting any library, please let me know, and I will update this list promptly.
This item is available for free download. You may download and use it according to the free item policy.